What to do if your child has a knocked-out baby tooth
When your child has a knocked-out baby tooth, it’s important to remain calm. While it’s not ideal for your child to lose a baby tooth before their permanent tooth is ready to come in, prompt dental care will ensure that the knocked-out tooth doesn’t negatively impact their long-term oral health.
If your child knocks their baby tooth out, rinse their mouth with cold water to remove debris and blood. Gently apply pressure to the tooth socket with a clean cloth or gauze. Or, have them bite a washcloth soaked in cold water; this will stop the bleeding and reduce swelling and pain from their injury.
When to seek care for a knocked-out baby tooth
While a knocked-out baby tooth requires dental care, it’s rarely a dental emergency. Baby teeth have short roots that make them easier to knock out.
Unless you’re unable to stop the bleeding in your child’s mouth or your child is experiencing intense pain, you don’t need to seek emergency dental care for a knocked-out baby tooth. Instead, call us and we’ll schedule an appointment to confirm that there’s no damage to their gums or other oral tissues.
We don’t reattach a knocked-out baby tooth; instead, we place a space maintainer in your child’s mouth to hold the tooth’s space until your child’s permanent tooth is ready to come in.
When in doubt, call 911 immediately
In a pediatric emergency, it's essential to act quickly and seek medical help immediately. When faced with a situation where a child's health or life may be at risk, it's better to err on the side of caution and call 911 right away. Delaying treatment can worsen the condition and make it more difficult to save the child.
Knocked-Out Baby Tooth, Queens & Brooklyn, New York
If your child knocks their baby tooth out, rinse their mouth with cold water to remove debris and blood. Gently apply pressure to the tooth socket with a clean cloth or gauze.